Find the Cost of Freedom

Ann Anybody’s poem penned during the Iran Hostage Crisis provides a riveting lead for peace, the kind of peace the Chico Peace Vigil pursues every Saturday on a busy corner in Downtown Chico, California.  The Acappella Group Parallel Fifths, from Danbury Connecticut, nails the title track amidst the painful reminder that we can’t even the score.” Shalom…

Palestine Yours or Mine, I’ll Shoot Before I speak

Naomi Eisenberg said, “My Jewish Parents in New York City never understood the horror of the Palestine-Israel conflict and decide who’s side to choose. How dare these people claim to know who’s side to pick?” — Chico, California Peace Vigil.

Without a Roof chooses peace over any side and welcomes the views and courage of the Naomi(s) of the world to speak their mind in public.

Where there is tolerance there is hope.
Where there is hope there is love.
Where there is love there God is also.